What Does it Mean to be Compliant? Text Transcript Please note: No informative visual content is presented while the speaker is speaking. Mike: Hi, everyone! My name is Mike and I want to welcome you to a new series in our Tech Tips videos. This series will focus on compliance, security, and the protection of information and data. In this video, I want to address a standard question our team is asked almost on a daily basis - "What does it mean to be compliant?" Well, in the world of information technology, there's no shortage of compliance and regulatory standards. We have HIPAA for those in the healthcare world, Sarbanes-Oxley, FINRA, PCI compliance for the payment card industry, and so many others. But back to our question - What does it mean to be compliant? A quick Google search for the term "what does it mean to be compliant?" returns "inclined to agree with others or obey rules, especially to an excessive degree, acquiescent." So how does this relate to information technology? To be compliant with State rules, industry guidelines, or even Federal compliance standards, means to agree and obey the rules of an industry or government mandated standards. So basically to be compliant means to meet a set of standards, processes, rules, and/or guidelines. Do you have questions about compliance standards for your particular industry? Well, my team is ready to help. Reach out to us and schedule your initial compliance consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing more information in the future on compliance, security, and more! [End Title Card: LI Tech Advisors - Managed Service Provider. www.litechadvisors.com - (631) 212-8377 - info@litechadvisors.com]