What is the New York State SHIELD Act - Text Transcript Please note: No informative visual content is presented while the speaker is speaking. Mike Hi, everyone! Are you doing business in New York State Are you compliant with New York State SHIELD Act On March 21st, 2020, the New York State Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security Act; or, otherwise known as the New York State SHIELD Act, went into effect. The SHIELD Act requires any person or business owning or licensing computerized data that includes the private information of any resident of New York to implement and maintain reasonable safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the private information. Yes, this includes businesses and organizations outside of New York State. So, how do you know if you're compliant with the New York State SHIELD Act Simple. For a small business with less than 50 employees or three million dollars in annual revenue in each of the past three fiscal years, you need to take reasonable, administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect data. Over 50 employees or three million dollars, there are a few additional requirements. Here's what you need to make sure of so you know you have the right security measures in place to make 100% sure that the data of New York State residents is properly protected. One immediate step is to make sure you hire the right IT services company who understands the rules of the New York State SHIELD Act and makes sure you're in compliance with all of their requirements. The penalties are steep - up to $5,000 per violation. Make sure you're properly protected. Stay tuned for future videos in our compliance and security series. Before we go, if you need to speak with someone about your IT service needs, or need more information about the New York State SHIELD Act, just give our team a call, visit our website, or send us an e-mail. [End Title Card LI Tech Advisors - Managed Service Provider. www.litechadvisors.com - (631) 212-8377 - info@litechadvisors.com]